mundanity / mʌnˈdæn ɪ ti /


mundanity 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural mun·dan·i·ties.

  1. the condition or quality of being mundane; mundaneness.
  2. an instance of being mundane: one of the mundanities of everyday life.


  1. During their time alone together, Lisa learns a lot about Walter, the ways in which he processes joy and grief, for instance, along with some larger lessons about how great tragedy exists alongside the mundanity of life.
  2. She is doing what Madame Mundanity does on the portal of the cathedral at Basle.
  3. He could have blessed her for the tone, for the escape into common mundanity.
  4. In their midst one breathes a certain heady vapor of mundanity.