multilocular / ˌmʌl tɪˈlɒk yə lər /


multilocular 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having or consisting of many cells or vesicles.


  1. It may have one cell or cavity, being unilocular; or many, multilocular, &c.
  2. In the baobab there is a multilocular syncarpous fruit, in which the seeds are immersed in pulp.
  3. This term is applied to the septa, by which the chambers of multilocular and other shells are divided from each other.
  4. An enclosure, applied to the thin plate of Crepidula, fig. 239; also to the plates dividing the chambers of multilocular shells.
  5. These tumours have been described by Eve under the name of multilocular cystic epithelial tumours of the jaw.