mottled / ˈmɒt ld /


mottled 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. spotted or blotched in coloring.

mottled 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Most females had drab colors — olive green heads and backs and mottled throats.
  2. Downpours transform the mottled landscape into lush emerald, while azaleas bloom and migrating cranes and storks begin the long journey back north.
  3. The bending, roughly parallel lines produce a sense of motion, as does the mottled blue watercolor added to “Splash,” the only hand-finished print.
  4. The octopus’s skin flickers and momentarily resembles the grouper’s own mottled scales before reverting to blue.
  5. I stared at the poisonous mottled binding as I would at a snake.
  6. The rich, mottled tones with which he crafted his portraits are less about creating mood than about rendering pure physicality.
  7. To many of those white-haired and mottled men, the ambassador's six-minute apology and the invitation to visit Japan were insults.
  8. The skin on my face and arms took on a mottled, yellowish appearance, like an old newspaper left out in the sun.
  9. In one instant the mottled-faced gentleman depressed his hand again, and every glass was set down empty.
  10. Saying this, the mottled-faced gentleman rose, as did the other gentlemen.
  11. The cattle here are large and well-shaped, something like our own Lancashire breed, and mottled in colour, though mostly red.
  12. His face was, moreover, mottled with dusky spots, so that he reminded the spectator of a frog or a toad.
  13. Beneath them the cross-bedded sandstone appears, showing a mottled surface of pale-pinkish hue.