moton / ˈmoʊt n /


moton 的定义

n. 名词 noun



  1. One former worker, Adrienne Moton, testified that Gosnell taught her his "snipping" technique to use on infants born alive.
  2. The story begins with an interesting account of the coming of the ancestors of Dr. Moton out of Africa to serve in the new world.
  3. Sin thêr prentara2 forfaren, sa moton sina erva en êl mannis dêl håva.
  4. Wr.alda lêide êvge setma thet is êwa in al et skêpne, ånd thêr ne send nên gode setma jeftha hja moton thêrnêi tavlikt wêsa.
  5. Thåt Lydas folk ånd thåt Findas folk skil ekkorum vrdelgja, ånd wy moton tha lêthoga landa bifolka.
  6. Thêrvmbe moton alle folkar thêr ût Frya sproten send hjara tonôma wêi werpa ånd hjara selva allêna Fryas bern jeftha folk hêta.