mononuclear / ˌmɒn əˈnu kli ər, -ˈnyu- or, by metathesis, -kyə lər /


mononuclear 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Also mon·o·nu·cle·ate. Cell Biology. having only one nucleus.
  2. Chemistry. monocyclic.


  1. Large mononuclear leukocytes probably originate in the bone-marrow or spleen.
  2. The remarkable character of the blood is the high percentage of large mononuclear cells.
  3. In our cases the mononuclear cells have averaged 66 per cent., which is somewhat high even for infants.
  4. Sharply to be distinguished from the lymphocytes is the second group: the "large mononuclear leucocytes."
  5. It is especially important that the mononuclear and the leucocytes associated with them, undergo no increase.