Philosophy. any of various theories holding that there is only one basic substance or principle as the ground of reality, or that reality consists of a single element.Compare dualism, pluralism. a theory that the object and datum of cognition are identical.Compare pluralism.
the reduction of all processes, structures, concepts, etc., to a single governing principle; the theoretical explanation of everything in terms of one principle.
the conception that there is one causal factor in history; the notion of a single element as primary determinant of behavior, social action, or institutional relations.
I have just been reading your letters again, and beautiful letters they are—also your pregnant little paper on Monism.
I can understand that of mystical monism shutting its eyes on the concretes of life, for the sake of its abstract rapture.
Even monism concedes that "it is better being good than bad, better being sane than mad."
As realism generally coincides with monism, so idealism is usually identical with dualism.
In my opinion, this antithesis of monism and dualism is the most important in the whole history of philosophy.