mong / mʌŋ, mɒŋ /


mong 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. mongrel, especially a mongrel dog.


  1. By visiting Admiralty or Causeway Bay or Mong Kok, they see that it's not a dirty affair.
  2. Quarrellin' 'mong themselves now, mark you, beef bein' as scarce as diamonds in them hard times.
  3. When morning-time come, we go away from all these noisy peoples, we go 'mong the Egyptian peoples.
  4. They told me that old Norna's cave was 'mong these rocks, and yet I find it not.
  5. Hear his old feet, stuck on them dear bow-legs of his, making a sound that I'd know 'mong ten thousand!
  6. Disgraced at Court, nevertheless Chong Mong-ju had been too popular with the provincial priesthood.