moly 的定义
plural mo·lies.Classical Mythology.
- an herb given to Odysseus by Hermes to counteract the spells of Circe.
- Entertainment blog Holy Moly is among the most effusive with praise.
- When Orlean recently tweeted the question, “Is it ‘holy moly’ or ‘holey moley’ or ‘holy moley’?”
- Doubtless the dispute is still being carried on between these chieftains from their beds of asphodel and moly in Elysium.
- "Moly" (mo'ly), by Edith M. Thomas (1850-), in the best possible presentation of the value of integrity.
- Ulysses himself then goes, having obtained the plant moly; he subdues, enjoys; he releases his companions.
- Moly seems to have been Allium moly, one of the onion or garlic family.
- Ulysses resisted the enchantment by means of the herb moly, given him by Mercury.