mohel / Sephardic Hebrew mɔˈhɛl; Ashkenazic Hebrew ˈmoʊ heɪl, ˈmoʊ əl, ˈmɔɪ-; English ˈmoʊ heɪl /


mohel 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural mo·hal·im [Sephardic Hebrew, Ashkenazic Hebrew maw-hah-leem], /Sephardic Hebrew, Ashkenazic Hebrew ˌmɔ hɑˈlim/, English mo·hels.Hebrew.

  1. the person who performs the circumcision in the Jewish rite of circumcising a male child on the eighth day after his birth.


  1. Here the Mohel was taken to a palace, in one of whose apartments was the child's mother lying.
  2. He was a Mohel, and had one pointed, uncut finger nail, and every pinch went to the heart.