modulate / ˈmɒdʒ əˌleɪt /


modulate2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

mod·u·lat·ed, mod·u·lat·ing.

  1. to regulate by or adjust to a certain measure or proportion; soften; tone down.
  2. to alter or adapt according to the circumstances, one's listener, etc.
  3. Music. to attune to a certain pitch or vary the volume of.
  4. Telecommunications. to cause the amplitude, frequency, phase, or intensity of to vary in accordance with a sound wave or other signal, the frequency of the signal wave usually being very much lower than that of the carrier.
v. 无主动词 verb

mod·u·lat·ed, mod·u·lat·ing.

  1. Telecommunications. to modulate a carrier wave.Citizens Band Radio talk; visit: Enjoyed modulating with you.
  2. Music. to pass from one key to another: to modulate abruptly from A to B flat.

modulate 近义词

v. 动词 verb

adjust, harmonize


  1. She had stumbled, it seemed, onto a possible drug candidate capable of modulating the master switch.
  2. “This paper represents a significant advance in our understanding of how the hippocampus modulates metabolism,” says Elizabeth Gould, a neuroscientist at Princeton University who wasn’t involved in the study.
  3. The new finding of an “ignored historical land use emission” suggests that even now, we lack a complete understanding of how the Earth’s land surfaces are driving and modulating the warming of the planet.
  4. It’s also easy to modulate—you can take it easy and use a session as a warm-up or go hard and blast yourself.
  5. Changes in the cingulate cortex and hippocampus, on the other hand, could allow us to learn how to modulate negative feelings and emotions.
  6. Some in the Obama orbit hoped that the entry into government would modulate and moderate Islamist goals.
  7. Previously, the medical community had known little about how to prevent or modulate this devastating liver disease.
  8. Also modulate your tones to the pitch of discretion and confidence.
  9. Mr. Sylvester's voice, careful as he was to modulate it, showed a secret discouragement.
  10. Somewhere in the circuit there seems to be an effect that serves to modulate the incoming signal.
  11. Follow the directions for Exercise I. Sing quietly in a pitch that is easy for the voice, and modulate up or down by half steps.
  12. It began to modulate itself and to express things most voices are incapable of expressing.