modular / ˈmɒdʒ ə lər /


modular2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to a module or a modulus.
  2. composed of standardized units or sections for easy construction or flexible arrangement: a modular home; a modular sofa.
  3. Mathematics. having the property that for any two elements with one less than the other, the union of the smaller element with the intersection of the larger element and any third element of the lattice is equal to the intersection of the larger element with the union of the smaller element and the third element.
  4. Computers. composed of software or hardware modules that can be altered or replaced without affecting the remainder of the system.
n. 名词 noun
  1. something, as a house or piece of furniture, built or organized in self-contained units or sections.
  2. a self-contained unit or item, as of furniture, that can be combined or interchanged with others like it to create different shapes or designs.

modular 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

composed of standardized units


  1. These approaches have a long way to catch up with the monolithic designs favored by the industry leaders, but the possibility of a modular and distributed future for quantum computers doesn’t seem quite so outlandish anymore.
  2. The original GFX system, which debuted back in 2016, had a modular viewfinder that could flip up depending on how you preferred to hold the camera.
  3. We knew we needed to offer modular offerings for working professionals and people looking to enter or reenter the workforce through community or technical colleges.
  4. While the model I was using has an integrated battery, the same bike comes with a modular configuration.
  5. Civitas, a commercial real estate brokerage and advisory firm, has a client that asked its architect to develop transitional spaces and install modular movable walls.
  6. The system is highly modular and is built into NIM bins with modified back connectors.
  7. For instance, the function exp (z) assumes every finite value except zero (see below under 21, Modular Functions).
  8. Let the modular proportions of the rest of the work be carried out as written in the fourth book in the case of temples.
  9. These languages are conceived in a modular fashion and can be designed to optimally serve the task at hand.