

ml 的定义

  1. milliliter; milliliters.


  1. His team routed the British and hence, at the Patiala Peg, drinks are served in 75 ml glasses, compared to the standard 60 ml.
  2. Those values are still well above the commonly referenced threshold for infertility (15 million/ml).
  3. ML: Well, you guys really ran with that on a much bigger scale and turned it into an art form.
  4. ML: I think it was really savvy to have had the film made by a female director.
  5. ML: What made me understand how much you loved John Lennon was how much you backed that project.
  6. Hl-te-ml-te-tz-te-nek-ee, ——, Sam Perryman; brother of the Chief above, and a jolly companionable man.
  7. As sauer un' bitter ds Gewin, ws kummt vun Niedergeschlgene, is' a Ml gewesen, wet uch big sein.
  8. Cu cum Augustus mlle numms14 dar170 iussisset, ille minus dgnum praemium exstimns dcere ausus est: Ml ut vvat, et avem dmsit.
  9. The solution we were using in these tests was .25 grams of diphenylbenzidine to 100 ml.
  10. I stand up for neither, but I will back either against King Ml.