mitochondrion / ˌmaɪ təˈkɒn dri ən /


mitochondrion 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural mi·to·chon·dri·a [mahy-tuh-kon-dree-uh]. /ˌmaɪ təˈkɒn dri ə/. Cell Biology.

  1. an organelle in the cytoplasm of cells that functions in energy production.


  1. Chloroplasts have their own genome, distinct from the nuclear genome that runs a plant’s cells and the mitochondria that produce energy for the cells.
  2. If mitochondria are the culprit, targeting them could help protect future astronauts.
  3. Another study combined three main puzzle pieces in aging—zombie cells, inflammation, and malfunctioning mitochondria—into a full picture, with the surprise ending that senolytics has multiple anti-aging powers in cells.
  4. Not only do their mitochondria produce little if any of this fuel, they’ve lost many of the genes needed to make it.
  5. “I was completely surprised to see that mitochondria are so important, because they weren’t on our radar,” said Beheshti.