mitered / ˈmaɪ tərd /


mitered 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. shaped like a bishop's miter or having a miter-shaped apex.
  2. wearing, or entitled or privileged to wear, a miter.


  1. The four sides are mitered together at their edges and reinforced by covering the joint with copper.
  2. The door frame is mitered at the corners and rabbeted on the inner edge to take the panel.
  3. Then these were molded and mitered at the corners, and later a cap of heavier moldings was put across the top.
  4. The picture-frame-vise, Fig. 172, is a very convenient tool for making mitered joints, as in picture-frames.
  5. The edges of the boards are also mitered right thru for a short distance so that when finished the dovetails are invisible.