mirroring / ˈmɪr ər /


mirroring3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a reflecting surface, originally of polished metal but now usually of glass with a silvery, metallic, or amalgam backing.
  2. such a surface set into a frame, attached to a handle, etc., for use in viewing oneself or as an ornament.
  3. any reflecting surface, as the surface of calm water under certain lighting conditions.
v. 有主动词 verb
  1. to reflect in or as if in a mirror.
  2. to reflect as a mirror does.
  3. to mimic or imitate accurately.
  4. to be or give a faithful representation, image, or idea of: Her views on politics mirror mine completely.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Music. capable of being played in retrograde or in inversion, as though read in a mirror placed beside or below the music.

mirroring 近义词

v. 动词 verb

copy, reflect


  1. The best available data suggests that infection rates in schools simply mirror the prevalence of covid-19 in the surrounding community — and that addressing community spread is where our efforts should be focused.
  2. Car seats and boosters currently have to pass a test that mirrors the forces in a head-on collision.
  3. By the time the novel coronavirus is in the rearview mirror, riders could be encountering a new type of e-scooter, one that picks up safety tools from modern cars.
  4. Striving for — and sometimes falling short of — cultural relevance, the museum mirrors the awkward cultural transitions that are taking place on the national stage.
  5. In fact, the percentage nearly mirrors the number of Americans — at 42 percent — who said climate change would inform their vote this year, according to Pew.
  6. A skull forms through the mirroring of the original image and hovers above the large negative shape.
  7. Fabricating the future on screen has always been a way of mirroring present-day anxieties about technology.
  8. The Daily Pic: Adad Hannah mirrrors the mirroring that happens in Velazquez.
  9. Rousseff, now 62, has lived a wild political life, mirroring the changing fortunes of her country.
  10. Below, the lake lay blue as a sapphire mirroring a sapphire sky.
  11. Over the dam it lay in a quiet pool, mirroring every bud and twig.
  12. He was as smart as usual, his tie a new creation, his hat mirroring the sun.
  13. The river was still; the stars came out one by one, and a great planet shone distinct on the mirroring plain.
  14. The river flowed on its way, its glassy surface mirroring the numerous trees along its banks.