mirabilia / ˌmi rɑˈbɪl ɪˌɑ; English ˌmɪr əˈbɪl i ə /


mirabilia 的定义

n. 名词(复数) plural noun


  1. marvels; miracles.


  1. That that is to be so soon, and under circumstances so joyful, are among the mirabilia of this changing world.
  2. The “Mirabilia” might be the running title for a whole system of geography.
  3. There was an admirable little guide-book published in the twelfth century called "Mirabilia Urbis Rom."
  4. In both, retia mirabilia are developed in the tail (in spite of its reduction in the Sloths) and in the limbs.
  5. Some of the internal arteries of Whales break up into retia mirabilia.