mincing / ˈmɪn sɪŋ /


mincing 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. affectedly dainty, nice, or elegant.

mincing 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

affected, pretentious


  1. It’s an uncomplicated recipe that also came together quickly, though with all the bell pepper and celery chopping, not to mention the garlic mincing, this took me more like 45 to 50 minutes.
  2. We must see what has happened today for what it is, with no mincing of words and no obfuscations.
  3. “James Woods has a reputation in the business of not mincing words,” Breitbart posted in September 2013.
  4. He also has a best supporting actor nomination for his mincing, lovestruck Olivia in Twelfth Night.
  5. Stirling was never addicted to mincing matters, but Weston could not quite repress a grin.
  6. I must venture to add, without mincing the matter, what I really believe, of this Book.
  7. There were whisperings below, and apparently a hurried consultation, and then a young woman came mincing up the stairs.
  8. After the world of politics, with its hair-splitting and word-mincing, it was good to be with soldiers—the men who do the work.
  9. I have heard it said of ladies who walk with a mincing gait that "she steps out like a hen before day."