mimicry / ˈmɪm ɪk ri /


mimicry 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural mim·ic·ries.

  1. the act, practice, or art of mimicking.
  2. Biology. the close external resemblance of an organism, the mimic, to some different organism, the model, such that the mimic benefits from the mistaken identity, as seeming to be unpalatable or harmful.
  3. an instance, performance, or result of mimicking.

mimicry 近义词

n. 名词 noun


n. 名词 noun



  1. We use mimicry, we stage situations and some people even draw what they want to say to achieve a clear understanding.
  2. They sometimes have to resort to words because their mimicry sometimes failed them.
  3. Though scientists are keen to explore whether such lab-created mimicry can be pushed further, the 14-day rule stands in the way.
  4. The flock mimicry may not be about wooing a female, but deceiving her into believing a predator is nearby, Dalziell says.
  5. Mimicry is an ingenious survival technique, albeit one that is of little use against bulldozers and chainsaws.
  6. But this was an element of Jeff that I understood; his mimicry and his retention for music and melody.
  7. We were speaking of the faculty of mimicry, and he told me such a funny little anecdote about Chopin.
  8. Caroline, during this time, is busy with an alarming piece of mimicry: she looks as if she were going to faint.
  9. One thing in connection with Chopin's mimicry has to be particularly noted—it is very characteristic of the man.
  10. Her powers of mimicry, too, particularly of the different dialects of France, have seldom been surpassed.
  11. The strangers assembled to see our childish mimicry of passion were witnesses to a highly-wrought dramatic scene in real life.