milling / ˈmɪl ɪŋ /


milling 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an act or instance of subjecting something to the operation of a mill.
  2. an act or process of producing plane or shaped surfaces with a milling machine.
  3. Coining. an act or process of making a raised edge on a coin or the act or process of making narrow, radial grooves on such a raised edge.a number of grooves so made.
  4. Slang. a beating or thrashing.

milling 近义词

v. 动词 verb



  1. Lest anyone forget, though, informational signs would tell the story of the site, and a memorial would stand “to those individuals and families affected by the exploration for uranium and its mining, milling, and remediation on the Colorado Plateau.”
  2. A process known as focused ion beam milling shaves down each slice of tissue a few nanometers at a time.
  3. They have a milling machine and any milling machine, especially one like that that’s highly automated and robotic, it has a tendency to goo up over time, to get dirty.
  4. Milling crowds turned out asking for U.S. help and there was praise for Kerry.
  5. There, hundreds of passengers were milling around with their luggage in a state of utter confusion.
  6. Girls are milling outside in mini-dresses and low-cropped tops talking to bouncers behind the red velvet ropes.
  7. It was after lunch, and the 80 or so veterans were milling around, chatting, and watching TV.
  8. That sort of thing is to be expected—and, for the most part, ignored by the hordes of delegates and reporters milling about.
  9. The industries include brewing, saw-milling, lace-making and antimony mining and founding.
  10. Allegan, an agricultural and milling county of the state of Michigan, bordering on the east shores of lake Michigan.
  11. The retreat was halted and transformed into milling confusion.
  12. Out of this milling process a collective impulse is formed which dominates all members of the crowd.
  13. She pointed far up over their heads to where the cone of faintly bluish light swung, free from the milling horde.