miliary / ˈmɪl iˌɛr i, ˈmɪl yə ri /


miliary 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. resembling millet seeds.
  2. Pathology. accompanied by papules or vesicles resembling millet seeds: miliary fever.


  1. The American-led miliary coalition denied the charges of abuse.
  2. Does the disease bear any resemblance to the miliary papular syphilide, psoriasis, and papular eczema?
  3. Autopsy revealed bronchopneumonia of the left lung and acute miliary abscess in the liver.
  4. Miliary eruptions were apt to come out about the eleventh day, especially in women.
  5. He never saw any miliary eruptions, and only sometimes petechiae, or small spots, or marbling as in measles.
  6. The first notice by Dr Johnstone is of a low miliary fever from Midsummer 1752 to the end of the year.