the branch of biology dealing with the structure, function, uses, and modes of existence of microscopic organisms.
Agricultural soils are in a terrible state because we have repeatedly ploughed and failed to rotate crops and rest land, to feed soil microbiology.
The government hadn’t used the first lockdown wisely, but December was its chance to set things right, says Gagandeep Kang, a professor of microbiology at the Christian Medical College in Vellore, Tamil Nadu.
Finney, originally from Delaware, graduated this May from the University of Pittsburgh with a bachelor’s degree in microbiology.
Studies in non-medical areas of microbiology also recognized that microbes played important roles in ecosystems such as oceans, forests, or soils, according to Lita Proctor, program coordinator at the Human Microbiome Project.
“It does challenge dogma that was previously held,” said Samantha Dando, a lecturer in clinical microbiology at the Queensland Institute of Technology in Australia.
Eric Alm, a professor of microbiology at MIT, has an idea: use the sewers.
Go back to Adam and Eve, or wait for that thing to come out of the ocean, or do the microbiology thing.
My book has all these detours into microbiology and the science of flavor because truly amazing things are going on when you cook.
But other scientists counter that basic skills in microbiology and biotechnology can get you a bioweapon.
For this reason the term pathogenic Microbiology has been introduced to include all these organisms.
The case is similar to that of the rotation of crops in its relation to scientific microbiology.
In fact, I am assured that nothing exists which gives anything like so full a study of microbiology.