methyl / ˈmɛθ əl /


methyl 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. containing the methyl group. Abbreviation: Me


  1. Although the gene itself stays unchanged, chemicals called methyl groups alter how that gene works.
  2. This process, known as epigenetics, involves the addition of small chemical tags known as methyl groups to the DNA double helix.
  3. Just add methyl cellulose, a thickener that can withstand high temperatures.
  4. Those stains which are dissolved in methyl-alcohol combine fixation with the staining process.
  5. Czapek says: "The well-known methyl pentoses do not occur in the free state in plant organisms so far as we know."
  6. Methyl furfurol was found here also, this method indeed giving better results than that of Maquenne.
  7. According to the statements of the manufacturers, Bengus Analgesic Balm contains menthol, salicylate of methyl and lanolin.
  8. Methæmoglobin in the blood smaller than in para-acetamido-phenol, but more than when the methyl or ethyl compound is administered.