Our bodies release certain metabolites—products of our metabolic activities.
Finding the genetic basis for the animal’s metabolic feats could clarify the mitochondrial genome’s function, helping to find treatments for human metabolic diseases.
Basal metabolic rate is the minimum amount of calories required for basic functions at rest.
In birds, metabolic rates played a massive role for birds, while isolating mechanisms like body hair or fat reserves had a prominent role for mammals.
Adipose tissue is therefore important for good metabolic health.
What if they were to measure body composition or hormone levels or metabolic rate?
A “set point” would determine weight by regulating metabolic activity, hunger and even the desire to do exercise.
After all, here we are, in the middle of a global obesity crisis; and there they are running a metabolic lab on television.
They are much more likely to have metabolic syndrome—a condition that puts you at high risk for diabetes and heart disease.
Eventually, he developed metabolic syndrome—a condition that presages diabetes and heart disease.
It stimulates metabolic activity of tissue cells and secures more complete oxidation of energy-yielding elements.
Not as our bodies do the stars need continual metabolic replacing food.
(b) The medium became toxic from the accumulation of metabolic products.
A still more important difference is that the metabolic force is peculiar to the cell.
Now, an indispensable condition of the ripening of the ovum in the female organism is that the metabolic process shall be normal.