meson / ˈmi zɒn, ‐sɒn, ˈmɛz ɒn, ˈmɛs‐ /


meson 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Physics. any hadron, or strongly interacting particle, other than a baryon. Mesons are bosons, having spins of 0, 1, 2, …, and, unlike baryons, do not obey a conservation law.


  1. These are exciting prospects for investigating matter-antimatter asymmetry and the oscillations of mesons.
  2. A type of meson called D0, for example, which contains charm quarks, is in a superposition of two normal matter particles called D1 and D2.
  3. Already Alberg and Miller are working on calculations of the full “meson cloud” surrounding protons, which includes, along with pions, rarer “rho mesons.”
  4. One is the “pion cloud” model, a popular, decades-old approach that emphasizes the proton’s tendency to emit and reabsorb particles called pions, which belong to a group of particles known as mesons.
  5. At the meson we found real rooms and true beds, and decided to stay for the night.
  6. At half past eight we reached San Carlos, a mean town with no meson or other regular stopping-place.
  7. We found shelter at a sort of a meson, where we could get no supper until nine, or possibly till ten.
  8. The maximum intensity of this extracted meson beam depends on both the charge and energy desired.
  9. This meson beam then travels through a hole in the concrete shielding wall into the meson cave.