mesoderm / ˈmɛz əˌdɜrm, ˈmɛs-, ˈmi zə-, -sə- /


mesoderm 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. the middle germ layer of a metazoan embryo.


  1. Ahlborn, in 1884, drew a sharp distinction between the segments of the mesoderm and those of the endoderm.
  2. Then came two segments, the mandibular, in which muscles are formed both from the ventral and from the dorsal mesoderm-segments.
  3. The mesoderm is, if we may judge from the number of organs which are derived from it, much the most important of the three layers.
  4. But in some groups the mesoderm is actually laid down in cleavage, and is present at the end of that process.
  5. The former is called simply epithelial mesoderm, the latter mesenchyme.