mesdames / meɪˈdɑm, -ˈdæm; French meɪˈdam /


mesdames 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a plural of madam.
  2. plural of madame.

mesdames 近义词

n. 名词 noun

a title of address

mesdames 的近义词 8
n. 名词 noun

a woman in charge of an establishment

mesdames 的近义词 4
n. 名词 noun

a woman in charge of a brothel

mesdames 的近义词 4


  1. One feels inclined to speak up and say, 'Mesdames, entendez—it isn't so bad as you think.'
  2. They all ranked themselves round me, which gave Mesdames de Kamecke and Sonsfeld time to pick me up.
  3. Charles had apparently settled down to business as usual, and Mesdames Trotter and Dombey drove out together as of old.
  4. Well, that is all that we want; with lettuce and some of your best wine we shall dine very well, shall we not, mesdames?
  5. You see, mesdames, that I am prompt, he said as he gracefully placed the eggs on the table.