mercurous / mərˈkyʊər əs, ˈmɜr kyər əs /


mercurous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. containing univalent mercury, Hg+1 or Hg2+2.


  1. The solution containing the molybdate is neutralised and treated with an excess of mercurous nitrate.
  2. The precipitate is allowed to settle for some time, filtered, and washed with a dilute solution of mercurous nitrate.
  3. It is formed by the action of a solution of mercurous nitrate, containing some nitrous acid, on alcohol.
  4. The compound is a mixture of platino- or platinidcyanide of mercury and mercurous nitrate.
  5. The necessary amounts of Lithium and Mercurous Chloride are then intimately mixed and made into solution.