mense / mɛns /


mense2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. propriety; discretion.
v. 有主动词 verb

mensed, mens·ing.

  1. to adorn; bring honor to; grace.


  1. To be a good candidate, you need to be someone who, for a consistent three months, are able to predict when you will ovulate and when you will have your menses in a very standard fashion.
  2. (from whose work I take the extract), the following passage occurs, under the head "Mense Januario."
  3. Anno sue salutifere incarnationis millesimo ducetesimo octuagesimo nono, indictione secunda, die sexto intrante mense augusti.
  4. In October, 1181, three Consuls preside "super facto iustitiae, nominatim in mense octobris."
  5. In Mense's Handbuch der Tropenkrankheiten, i, p. 263-283, pls.
  6. An idle taistrill is t' sparrow, wi' nowther sense nor mense in his head.