men / mɛn /


men 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. plural of man.

men 近义词

n. 名词 noun

male human


  1. Two cases of myocarditis in women and 15 to 18 cases in men ages 24- to 29-years old are expected for every million second doses of an mRNA vaccine given.
  2. Surveyed parents answered demographic questions, such as the number and ages of children in the household, hours a day spent with children, number of adult women or men caregivers in the house and working status.
  3. Instead, the judge gave the men probation and a $3,000 fine.
  4. “I think for trans men who are dating every time they hook up they have another coming out,” Sandler said.
  5. In the 90s, it kept gay men out of leadership roles in the Boy Scouts of America.
  6. Isolated lesbians learned that there were other women like them via books whose covers aimed to titillate heterosexual men.
  7. Security officials told Agence France-Presse that the gas station manager said he had recognized the two men.
  8. The juxtaposition planted a story of association on websites that touted both men for their talks.
  9. Most of the men leaped up, caught hold of spears or knives, and rushed out.
  10. The Duchess had also a tent for their sick men; so that we had a small town of our own here, and every body employed.
  11. The case was an assault and battery that came off between two men named Brown and Henderson.
  12. In particular the Governor of Adinskoy offered us a guard of fifty men to the next station, if we apprehended any danger.
  13. As men fixed in the grip of nightmare, we were powerless—unable to do anything but wait.