memoriter / məˈmɔr ɪ tər, -tɛr, -ˈmoʊr- /


memoriter2 个定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. by heart; by memory.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. involving or requiring memorization: the memoriter aspects of a college course.


  1. The Druids on the continent never committed their mysteries to writing, but taught their pupils memoriter.
  2. This he attributed partly to his habit of repeating them memoriter.
  3. The great objection to memoriter speaking is that it limits and handicaps the speaker.
  4. Et quicunque haec verba non scripta sed memoriter tradita recitat nunquam dolebit vento ventre.
  5. He alwaies carried a little Greeke Testament about with him; he had almost memoriter.