melos / ˈmɛl ɒs, -oʊs, ˈmi lɒs, -loʊs /


melos 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the succession of musical tones constituting a melody.


  1. Thus in ordinary speech the accents formed a species of melody,—logdes ti melos, as it is called by Aristoxenus .
  2. Her brows were level, eyebrows arched; her bust, though set like Aphrodite's of Melos, was full.
  3. Local imitations, obvious but distinct, found with imported specimens (Melos).
  4. The island of Melos, which had remained neutral, is conquered by the Athenians; its inhabitants are treated with extreme cruelty.
  5. Who would have those marble folds slip from the raised knee of the Venus of Melos?