any of various chiefly Australian shrubs or trees belonging to the genus Melaleuca, of the myrtle family, including the cajeput and several species of bottlebrush.
The area is a disturbed wetland, invaded by non-native melaleuca trees that have crowded out native flora and fauna.
The soil was excellent, and the brushes behind us abounded with a new species of melaleuca.
Oil of cajeput, is prepared in the Moluccas, by distilling the dry leaves of the melaleuca leucadendron.
The principal channel of the creek was lined with a species of Melaleuca, with slightly foliacious bark.
The Casuarina, which likes a light sandy soil, disappeared at the same time, and was succeeded by the narrow-leaved Melaleuca.
A Melaleuca with very small decussate leaves, a tree about twenty-five feet high, was growing on the scrubby ridges.