megapode / ˈmɛg əˌpoʊd /


megapode 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several large-footed, short-winged gallinaceous Australasian birds of the family Megapodiidae, typically building a compostlike mound of decaying vegetation as an incubator for their eggs.


  1. Even worse, in high priestly sacrilege, he encouraged Jerry to attack a megapode hen in the act of laying.
  2. The only place where the domestication of the megapode is recorded is the island of Savo in the Solomons.
  3. Now the megapode of the Solomons is a distant cousin to the brush turkey of Australia.
  4. Wherefore, he alone of all Somo, barred rigidly by taboo, ate megapode eggs.
  5. The birds were a species of megapode, which are found chiefly in Australia and Borneo and the intermediate islands.