meg / (mɛɡ) /


meg 的定义

  1. megohm; megohms.

meg 近义词


等同于 tomboy

meg 的近义词 5


  1. A few weeks later, Valentino and her pal, an aspiring actress named Meg Foster, met Cosby again at Café Figaro.
  2. How did you arrive at Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan for the roles of Harry and Sally?
  3. And then Meg sat down and did it, and she did it way better than anyone could have done.
  4. Was there anyone else you thought of for the roles of Harry and Sally besides Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan?
  5. But I crossed that bridge and we agreed to do it, and then we held auditions and Meg read with Billy.
  6. They both know the secret of my parentage, although old Meg has told me a hundred times that I was cast up by the sea.
  7. Meg, the fortune-teller, remained where he had left her several moments watching him with a strange, catlike intentness.
  8. Vainly he entreated and implored, promising money upon the morrow, but Meg was immovable.
  9. But when Meg proposed to take the girl immediately back to Gray Gables, he did not interpose the least objection.
  10. Could not Meg have bought one on the instalment system for herself?