mediastinum / ˌmi di æˈstaɪ nəm /


mediastinum 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural me·di·as·ti·na [mee-dee-a-stahy-nuh]. /ˌmi di æˈstaɪ nə/. Anatomy.

  1. a median septum or partition between two parts of an organ, or paired cavities of the body.
  2. the partition separating the right and left thoracic cavities, formed of the two inner pleural walls, and, in humans, comprising all the viscera of the thorax except the lungs.


  1. Several lymphatic glands in the anterior part of the mediastinum contained black fluid.
  2. I noted that there was free air and blood in the superior right mediastinum.
  3. There was considerable hematoma in the right lateral portion of the neck and the right superior mediastinum, as I noted.
  4. Next, the diaphragm and all parts of the right mediastinum was examined but no injury was found.
  5. This is a point of great practical importance in determining the extension of inflammation into the mediastinum.