mazarine / ˌmæz əˈrin, ˈmæz əˌrin, -rɪn /


mazarine 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a deep, rich blue.
  2. a silver strainer fitting over a meat dish and used for draining the water from boiled fish.


  1. A vast and enthusiastic audience thronged, with joyous clatter, through narrow Rues Mazarine and Dauphine, coming from the river.
  2. In this quarter their general direction is well marked out by the Rue Mazarine.
  3. You've hidden all her hair under that mazarine, and too many patches become not a brown skin.
  4. The Duchess of Mazarine, he observes, is reported to have hastened her death by intemperate drinking of strong spirits.
  5. The Bibliothque Mazarine is in the part of the building covering the spot where the petit htel de Nesle stood of old.