maya / ˈmɑ yɑ, -yə /


maya 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. the power, as of a god, to produce illusions.
  2. the production of an illusion.
  3. the illusion of the reality of sensory experience and of the experienced qualities and attributes of oneself.
  4. Also called Mahamaya. a goddess personifying the power that creates phenomena.


  1. Maya's second husband passed away a few years back, so Geoff often helps her out with minor repairs in her house.
  2. In late January, Maya requested that her daughter be evaluated for an IEP.
  3. Three days before Maya was scheduled to meet with school district officials to discuss the findings and her daughter’s eligibility for an IEP, her children’s Bay Area public school shuttered in response to the pandemic.
  4. Maya and Beena helped people watching the event share their stories too.
  5. Since most stars in the galaxy are much older than the sun, the absence of signals so far suggests that most communicating civilizations have already come and gone, like the Maya and Myceneans.
  6. The day we shot that scene, it was her first day on set and Maya Angelou had died that morning.
  7. The ancient Maya believed that the underworld of caves was home to gods that controlled rainfall and harvest bounties.
  8. On death row in Sudan last week, Meriam Ibrahim gave birth to a girl, whom she named Maya.
  9. We have Maya Rudolph, rather than, say, Tina Fey, headlining an attempt to revive the television variety show.
  10. Out of deep injury, Maya Angelou had a way of finding universal hope.
  11. It certainly seems clear that he took the son of Maya, rather than the child of Mary, as his exemplar.
  12. It reminds us that the followers of Maya's son and Mary's alike lapsed into paganism, and almost by the same stages.
  13. The Votanic institutions can only be known by the traces they may be supposed to have left in those of the later Maya nations.
  14. Much of our knowledge respecting the original Maya empire is drawn from the traditions of a rival power.
  15. There is no reason to suppose it in any way connected with Maya.