may-blob / ˈmeɪˌblɒb /


may-blob 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. Willie Nelson and Norah Jones May-December fireplace flirting.
  2. The moist rectangle of cooked meat and molten blob of cheese are then layered in a hard roll.
  3. Under the strain of that feeling, many single men through the ages have adopted a devil-may-care attitude.
  4. Can you imagine Walters, his executive-producing partner, post-May 16, lurking with him behind the cameras?
  5. Jollity and gloom were contending for an empire,” wrote Nathaniel Hawthorne in his story “The May-Pole of Merry Mount.
  6. His attitude was somewhat devil-may-care, his grip on life itself seemed slipping.
  7. In certain moods he possessed that dash and devil-may-care air which pleases most women, providing the man is a cosmopolitan.
  8. A blob of blue smoke curled out of a hole the size of a hogshead in a steep bank overhung with alders.
  9. I recollect your 'May-day in the morning'—cuss me, the best comick song I ever heard.
  10. A great blob of brown sos spurted on to master's chick, and myandrewed down his shert-collar and virging-white weskit.