maxixe 的定义
plural max·ix·es [mak-seek-suhz; Portuguese mah-shee-shis]. /mækˈsik səz; Portuguese mɑˈʃi ʃɪs/.
- a ballroom dance originating in Brazil, in moderate duple measure with syncopated rhythms.
- At the Maison Maxixe you can pull any kind of romance, stale or recent, and nobody'll care a hoot.
- Then they danced and his heart thumped; but subtly it was persuaded to thump in the measure of that unholy Maxixe.
- She placed a Maxixe record on the Victrola that stood by the piano; then she held out her arms to him.
- And you can bet I didn't linger in front of the Maison Maxixe long after that.
- But the management at the Maison Maxixe don't stand for any rough stuff.