These models simulated different frequencies of extreme storms—one had them occurring randomly, another boosted the likelihood at solar maxima, and so on.
If you look carefully, there's a brief moment where Queen Maxima starts to throw some shapes.
The thing about Mea Maxima Culpa is that towards the end of the film there is actually a moment of hope and inspiration.
Also in the crowd were Princess Catharina-Amalia of the Netherlands and he remoter, Princess Maxima.
This may be thanks in part to the calming influence of his glamorous Argentinian-born wife, Princess Maxima.
He wore a diamond studibusAnd elegant cravattum, A maxima cum laude shirtAnd such a stylish hattum!
The mean maxima in the wood were also lower than those without by a little more than two degrees.
For this, I can only beat my breast violently and mutter mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
His fifth book, on Maxima and Minima, is to be regarded as one of the highest efforts of Greek geometry.
The word gourd is also used in English for Cucurbita maxima.