mau-mau / ˈmaʊˌmaʊ /


mau-mau 的定义

v. 有主动词 verb


  1. to terrorize, intimidate, or threaten.


  1. The Cairo-based Egyptian Mau Rescue Organization even arranges international adoptions of the majestic meowsers.
  2. So this narrative was created: These are the new African American leaders who aren't hung up on the old racial mau-mau stuff, etc.
  3. I doubt most Americans have a clue about the Mau Mau Revolution, including me.
  4. The problem is that Huckabee talked in the same breath about the Mau Mau Revolution, which happened in Kenya.
  5. For sheer courage in standing up to union mau-mauing, she has earned political credit of reckless, even subprime proportions.
  6. An elderly woman who occasionally visited us was named Mau-ber-ry, the term by which they distinguish the gurnet from other fish.
  7. Next day our train is climbing through dense and beautiful forests to the summit of the Mau Escarpment.
  8. And here the storm which had been brooding all the afternoon over the western face of the Mau Escarpment burst upon us.
  9. These ledges around Hale-mau-mau are very dangerous to stand upon.
  10. Another important masticatory is the tobacco quid with its ingredients of lime and mu-mau juice.