matey / ˈmeɪ ti /


matey 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural mate·ys.Chiefly British Informal.

  1. comrade; chum; buddy.

matey 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. She appeared undisturbed when Matey, wearing his holiday white ducks, and all aglow, entered the booth.
  2. Matey was good at lessons, too—liked them; liked Latin and Greek; would help a poor stumbler.
  3. She had a nice mouth, ready for a smile at the corners, or so it was before Matey let her see that she was his mark.
  4. But Browny's feeling naturally was, that all this advantage for the boys came of Matey Weyburn's lead.
  5. Matey listened to him there; he became grave; he nodded like a man saying, "I suppose we must examine it in earnest."