matelote / ˈmæt lˌoʊt; French matəˈloʊt /


matelote 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a highly seasoned fish stew made with white or red wine.


  1. A matelote may be made of eels alone, but it is better with eels and one, two, or three other kinds of fish.
  2. A matelote may be made three or four days in advance, and then warmed in boiling water (bain-marie) just before serving it.
  3. The fish dressed this way may be served with matelote, matre dhtel, or Mazarine sauce.
  4. Stew the eels as above, dress them without a napkin, and pour a sauce matelote (No. 62) over them.
  5. For sauce, see Turbot la Mazarine, No. 207, or they may be served with a matelote sauce in change.