matchbox / ˈmætʃˌbɒks /


matchbox 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a small box, usually of cardboard, for matches.


  1. I work 18 hours a day so I can afford to live in a matchbox.
  2. Instead, I distracted him with three different Matchbox cars, a new one for each leg of the journey.
  3. He drew forth his steel matchbox with numb and shaking fingers, opened it and stood stricken dumb.
  4. He opened the matchbox, took out the match, struck it carefully and laid it among the birch bark.
  5. Chesterton pounced upon the half-buried matchbox, and in a panic lest he might again lose it, thrust it inside his tunic.
  6. Feeling that I was in a sanctuary, I was a little surprised that such a matchbox should have been tolerated.
  7. To my exceeding joy he stamped his little foot, and was so naughty that, in gratitude, I gave him five minutes with a matchbox.