marshy / ˈmɑr ʃi /


marshy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

marsh·i·er, marsh·i·est.

  1. like a marsh; soft and wet; boggy.
  2. pertaining to a marsh.
  3. consisting of or constituting a marsh, bog, swamp, or the like.

marshy 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. The Pripyat River basin was marshy until industrialization intruded.
  2. Apaches used what was once a marshy ciénaga as a water hole for centuries.
  3. A damp mist rose from the river and the marshy ground about, and spread itself over the dreary fields.
  4. The juncture was in a big, marshy, untillable flat, from which hills rose abruptly.
  5. Eastwards it fell away into a marshy tract filling the angle of the two rivers and intersected by watercourses.
  6. The land on the western side of the gulf is high and rocky; but the opposite shore is very low, and apparently marshy.
  7. As in the low marshy ground at the mouths of the Liri and Volturno, malaria is very prevalent.