margrave / ˈmɑr greɪv /


margrave 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the hereditary title of the rulers of certain European states.
  2. History/Historical. a hereditary German title, equivalent to marquis.
  3. a military governor of a German mark, or border province.


  1. He is referred to by the historian Widukind as a preses, and is sometimes called the “great margrave.”
  2. In Paris, the Margrave favoured her with so little of his company that she felt constrained to inquire the reason.
  3. The Margrave made considerable Augmentations to this House, and render'd it very commodious.
  4. The Margrave's Palace is a great old Pile, but not very commodious, and meanly furnish'd.
  5. These, when the Margrave goes abroad, attend him on horseback, dress'd like Hussurs.