marcher / ˈmɑr tʃər /


marcher 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who marches on foot: a line of marchers.

marcher 近义词


等同于 demonstrator


  1. Police officers escorted the marchers down the street and stood with deputies from the Alamance County Sheriff’s Office on the outskirts of the square.
  2. The spray was then discharged onto the marchers without warning.
  3. Karen Hylton headed west on Kennedy Street, leading marchers toward the Fourth District police station as they continued to scream demands for justice.
  4. Stoyanoff said he contributed to the day’s events by working to register marchers to vote.
  5. He strode through the marchers with Pride flags waving from his backpack.
  6. CWA Union Marcher Steve Wisniewoki of Orlando works for the same company as Petty, AT&T CenturyLink.
  7. Neantmoins Monsieur de Biancourt se tenoit tousiours sur ses gardes, et souvent faisoit marcher la chaloupe devant avec la sonde.
  8. This being a Lordship marcher, hath enioyed royall liberties, since the time wherein it was first subdued.
  9. He is tired of waiting for it, he will go out to meet it: 'Je veux marcher vers la folie et ses soleils.'
  10. Its grant to Edward made him the natural head of the marcher barons.
  11. His grievances were those of a marcher rather than those of a Welshman.