marabou / ˈmær əˌbu /


marabou 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of three large storks of the genus Leptoptilus, of Africa or the East Indies, having soft, downy feathers under the wings and tail that are used for making a furlike trimming for women's hats and garments.
  2. one of the feathers.
  3. the trimming or material made of the feathers.
  4. thrown silk that can be dyed without being scoured.


  1. Louis Vuitton Marc Jacobs exhibition opens in Paris with cocktails and marabou.
  2. A silky trench coat in a watercolor print, trimmed in turquoise marabou would have been at home at a Manhattan cocktail party.
  3. A common white stork hasn't half the solid gravity of an adjutant or a marabou.
  4. This being the case, there is a proverb about cleanliness that makes one wonder why the marabou stork doesn't wash himself.
  5. Her little thin fingers were stiff with rings, as though set in brilliants; and she held a white marabou fan in her hand.
  6. Clouds hovered over us, delicate and fleecy as the feathers of the marabou, and white and curly as the feathers of the ostrich.
  7. After leaving the vley where the marabou were, we rode on and on across the shadeless, waterless, sun-baked plain.