mantilla / mænˈtɪl ə, -ˈti ə /


mantilla 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a silk or lace head scarf arranged over a high comb and falling over the back and shoulders, worn in Spain, Mexico, etc.
  2. a short mantle or light cape.

mantilla 近义词


等同于 veil


等同于 hood


等同于 cape


  1. She rose, and taking a lace mantilla, arranged it round her head.
  2. Mr. Leeson remembered the mantilla and the day when he bought it, and how pretty his handsome wife had looked in it.
  3. She had thrown her mantilla back, to show her shoulders, and a great bunch of acacia that was thrust into her chemise.
  4. She rose, threw away her wooden bowl, and put her mantilla over her head ready to start.
  5. She took off her mantilla and threw it at her feet, and stood motionless, with one hand on her hip, looking at me steadily.