manipulator / məˈnɪp yəˌleɪ tər /


manipulator 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person who manipulates.
  2. a mechanical device for the remote handling of objects or materials in conditions not permitting the immediate presence of workers.

manipulator 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. At that time, I was working on training a robot manipulator to remove hazards in a hospital.
  2. Media manipulators will continue to use their tactics until it is no longer profitable, and federal authorities should step up to the challenge and provide access to the logistics technology they so proudly boasted about in press conferences.
  3. In the end, she made a choice independent of either manipulator: She died to free Noah.
  4. But the master manipulator of mise-en-scène is back to what he does best in his fifth feature.
  5. Wilkinson: Her character is such a powerful manipulator and has such wild mood swings.
  6. This character is both mentor and manipulator, which makes him complicated—and interesting.
  7. For Museveni, a master political manipulator, it serves an important political function.
  8. How many imitators of the great manipulator have looked at this growth of pine and wondered where the old master obtained it!
  9. This visionary was in reality a philosopher, that is to say, an experimenter and a manipulator of general ideas.
  10. Need you be surprised then, that a sleight-of-hand man, a manipulator of goblets, requires accomplices?
  11. Then she got efficient again and waved Thorndyke aside to see to the little straps on the manipulator herself.
  12. The little manipulator was working my second finger joint up and down rhythmically, and with each move came pain.